InSAF India Missing Lecture Series
We host The Missing Lecture Series as part of our refusal of the silencing of academic voices, in response to the blatant and authoritarian suppression of discussion and exchange of ideas in Indian universities

The Crisis Within: On Knowledge and Education in India
Professor G.N. Devy was invited to deliver a lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay in Mumbai on 31 January 2024. He was informed a day before the scheduled date that the lecture was cancelled by the Institute Lecture Committee for unspecified reasons.
InSAF India hosted the lecture online as part of its 'Missing Lectures' series.

Gendered resistance and fresh challenges in a post 2019 Kashmir
Professor Ather Zia was invited to deliver this lecture at the Centre for Women's Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in October 2021. The talk was cancelled at the last minute due to objections raised by the university administration about its supposedly provocative subject. The talk is now hosted by InSAF India as part of its 'Missing Lectures' series.

Islamophobia is Anti-Muslim Racism
On 15 June 2021, we published a statement denouncing Hindutva’s assault on academic freedom at the Manipal Association of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, India. In May, Professor Deepa Kumar, a faculty member at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University, USA, was due to record a Tedx talk on Islamophobia, her area of expertise, for MAHE Manipal, India. The recording was to be played on 30 May, followed by discussion and Q&A session with MAHE students. The students had talk was organized following guidelines set by Tedx. However, as soon as the talk was advertised, a Hindu right-wing campaign was launched, vilifying Dr Kumar and demanding that the invitation to speak be withdrawn. Within twenty-four hours, the Vice Chancellor of MAHE cancelled the talk. InSAF India and India Civil Watch International have collaborated to provide an online safe-space platform for the event. For our full statement read our blog post here.